Wednesday 30 November 2011

Jgn Kebas Awek Aku !! :)


Lawakan ? ComelKan ??
Lupe Lak Ag Satu !!
Jealouskan ??
Hahahahahaha !!
Puteri Iziliani !!
Haish , Tu Nme Dye Bngong !!
Leklek , Jgn Mrh , T x Comei Cam Awek Aq :)
Nak Add Die At Fb Tak ??
Nak ??
Langkah Mayat Aq Dulu :)
Fb Awek Aq :)
Xpyah Nak Kcoh Sgt La Kan !!
Nak Add , Add La !!!
Tapi Ingat ,
Kau Rampas ,
Kpala Kau, Aq Hntak :) ^^
K Lah Out !!

oukeyh..!!! my SYSTAA,,...

ouhkeyh!!second storeyy!!!
yg niyh.. nk intro.. adek agkt pulax...
okeyh.. nme die SaRAH SHAKILA..!!
nice name kan??? hahaha... da tawu.. jgn curik!
nk tgk x??? nak?? alooo shiannye x yah ea tgk.. buang mse jerr..
eceyhh!!!!! tade laa.. kte nk intro adek agkt.. mesty tnjuk pic die kan>!....Sarah Shakila

My Sw33t#earT.....

Puteri Atielia

okeyh... nk story la cikeyt!!!!!!
nk tau nape saye pkai tulisn kaler PINK2 NIYH???
bhahahahaha...xD..coz.. dlm story kaly ni...AJWAD
nk cyte psl buah aty bru.. nk tgk x?? heheheh.. duet dluw!
chewahhh... byk hodoh?? muahaha..
nk tgk x?? nah.. ambekk
okeyh... tawu chantekk!!!!! JGN AMBEK.. ajwad punyerr...

Monday 21 November 2011

fIeNaZ OwN's :)

Kepada yang bercouple khas untuk anda :D....bace bace bace.....
♥ MENJAWAB PERSOALAN TENTANG CINTA ♥ .... A : maaf, tumpang tanya. lorong CINTA jalan SAYANG kampung RINDU daerah KASIH SAYANG pekan HATI bandar I MISS U kat mana ye? B : encik jalan terus ikut jalan ILAHI, nampak simpang tiga masuk belah kanan, ikut jalan NIKAH, sepanjang jalan tu, akan nampak belah kanan, kedai BATAS-BATAS PERGAULAN dan sebelah kiri pasar sibuk sikit, iaitu pasar PERSIAPKAN DIRI. haa tu tandanya encik berada di jalan betul. Kalau rasa2 nak hilang punca cepat2 kembali ke jln yg mula2 td...agar tak sesat-barat...Semoga selamat sampai ye...:) ♥

Sunday 20 November 2011

islamic info

lau krang nk tau......nie bg lelaki jer lh....
nie ap y aque tau lh...
ad seorang pompuan kistian y mnew skung nie..........
tgh menyamar sbagai seorg wanita islam n akn m'murtadkn org islam(lelaki)
tlg lh amik peratian 
begini kisah nyer
pompuan nie cantik .......n dier gunakan k'cantikn nyer utk memurtad kn org islam
ramai laki suke kat dier.........
sampaikan satu arie ad sorang laki nie minx nombor tepon dier pstu..........
mula lah perbualan depa kat tepon tue........
pstu dgn asik berjumpa nyer.........
sampai lh 1 arie tu pompuan ajk laki tue utk pegi umh die skali
..........biasa lh laki bila d'ajak ke rumh si pompuan nk aje...........
pastu sak gi bile dh sampai umh pompuan tu dier un bagi lh laki tue air .......
x lame kemudian laki tue pengsan..............ap kh y tlah terjadi
then biler laki tue sedar dier tlh diikat rapi...
n pompuan tue plak dah x lagi cam sblom nie(bertudung,menutup aurat bagai pompuan soleha)tp alang kh terkejut nyer laki tue blew dier dpt tau y pompuan tue ialah kistian.............
n pompuan tu tnyer b'mcm jeniss soalan ttg islam..............
sehinggalah bila laki tue dh pening n buntu x tau nk wt ap lg dh n................
trus murtad depan pompuan tu.............
so,kat sini aq bg tau tlg lh b'hati2 bile kite ad kenalan k sbab nnt lau slap kang nnt x pasl2 kite murtad.....
y psl pompuan tu d'buru plis n tertangkaap..............

i am not afraid of gost

! @m NoT @fr@!D oF GhO$t

''ibu,do you see froggy?'' Froggy is a toy,a green frog and it has been Fida's favorite toy since she was a baby.

''i am not sure honey,may be it's under the sofa,''Fida's mother responded from the dinning table,she was reading a magazine.

Fida looked under the sofa and found froggy,she hugged the toy and put it on the sofa,
''froggy,listen to me, i want to eat ur brain, i want to eat ur brain, give me ur brin.''

then she grabbed another toy and again, ''i want to eat ur brain, i want to eat ur brain.''

''what r u doing Fida?''asked her mother

''ibu, i am a ghost, i like to eat brains,''Fida explained

since froggy's position is at the edge of the sofa, it is not stable n suddenly fell off. fida startled n ran to her mother,''ibu! ibu! i saw a ghost, it wanted 2 eat my brain.''

her mother held her shoulder firmly n asked,''wwhere is the ghost, show it 2 me.''

''it's there, it is hiding behind de sofa,'' fida pointed 2 de sofa.

''hmm, come here, do u still remember what i told u be-4?'' fida walk 2ward her mother. she raised her shoulder n said,''i don't remember.''

''ok, never mind. hmmmm........well, listen car
 efully.we should not be afraid of ghost, instead we shoul be afraid of ALLAH, the GREAT CREATOR.'' fida looked straight into her mother's eyes n nodded her head twise.

''we should be afraid only 2 ALLAH because HE owns de world n every single thing in it. we should be afraid if ALLAH does not love us, we will be neglected, strayed n lastly, be throwwn in2 HIS hell.''

''Oooo.......i don't want 2 be in it,'' fida responded n continued.''ibu, people said de hell is full of flames, is that true?'' fida wanted 2 know more.

''yes, it's true, de flames r 4 de disloyal human being, n of course, all ghost n evil will be sent 2 de hell 2.''

''Eeiiii.........i don't like it, n i don't like 2 share my place with ghost,'' fida replied.

''me 2, i want 2 go 2 heaven, it is a very nice place, so beautiful, plenty of delicious foods, awesome fruits, clean rivers of milk n many other things,'' her mother smile as she explained.

''yes! i know! i am no longer afraid of ghost!'' fida jumped happily in front of her mother.

''yes! ur're a brave girl! one more thing fida, we have 2 seeks ALLAH'S love, 4 HIS love comes with good health, happiness, calmness n most importantly, HE will shower us with HIS unconditional blessings.''

Saturday 19 November 2011

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